ACT 4 Solution

This is it. The Finale. It's you against every demon in Hell. You've got to destroy Mephisto's Soulstone, then defeat the devil in his lair. The hero who became the Dark Wanderer couldn't do it, but can you finish Diablo himself? You'll find yourself in the Pandemonium Fortress, the rallying point of Heaven before you enter the Burning Hells. This isn't exactly a happening town. There's just you and a few others.

Pandemonium Fortress Townsfolk

Deckard Cain: As he did in previous acts, Deckard Cain will identify items for you. How brave is Cain, to follow you into Hell?
Speak with Halbu to purchase weapons, armour and magical items. Halbu also repairs damaged weapons and armour, fora price.
Return to the Pandemonium Fortress and speak with Jamella to instantly restore Health and Mana points, jamella also offers weapons, armour, magical items and healing potions for sale. She's the Gambler as well.
The Archangel Tyrael accompanies your journey into the fourth act. Speak with Tyrael to open Act IV quests.

Quest 1: The Fallen Angel

"There is a dark, tortured soul who was trapped within this forsaken realm long ago. Called Izual by mortal men, in ages past he was my most trusted Lieutenant. But against my wishes he led an ill-fated assault upon the fiery Hell Forge itself. Despite his valour and strength, Izual was captured by the Prime Evils and twisted by their perverse power. They forced him to betray his own kind and give up Heaven's most guarded secrets. He became a corrupt shadow of his former self; a fallen angel trusted neither by Heaven nor Hell. For his transgressions, Izual's spirit was bound within the form of a terrible creature summoned from the Abyss. His maddened spirit has resided within that tortured husk for many ages now. It seems to me that he has suffered long enough. I implore you, hero, to Find Izual and release him from his cruel imprisonment. Put an end to his guilt and suffering."

Your first point of call is Tyrael. He'll give you the Izual mission. Izual can be found in the Plains of Despair. From the Pandemonium Fortress, head down the staircase into the Outer Steppes and locate the entrance to the Plains of Despair. There are no Waypoint markers in the Outer Steppes or the Plains of Despair, which lie beyond. That's where you'll find Izual, so be sure to stock up on Town Portal scrolls before heading out from the Pandemonium Fortress. These areas are big, although not as large as the jungles.

There are many powerful monsters here. The Undead are spell casters and melee fighters unlike anything you've ever seen. The Vile Mother subclasses kick like mules and spawn at an alarming rate. And this time, there are quite vicious little kids.

You'll find Izual in the Plains of Despair. You come across him without any real warning. Make sure your supply of Health, Mana or Rejuvenation potions is high. Izual is a tough adversary with powerful cold and melee attacks, and a coterie of demon buddies. As usual, lure them away before you go for the prize.

Izual's spirit is released from his form after death, but only to make a shocking revelation. He betrayed Heaven and engineered the Soulstones together with the Prime Evils. The Soulstones provided a way to keep the spirits of the Prime Evils on Earth, giving them places to hide if they were killed. Return to Tyrael with this shocking revelation and get two skill points. You might want to hold off using them until after you hit level 30, when you can improve those highest level skills.

Speak to Cain to activate the next quest.

Quest 2: Hell’s Forge

"The time has come for you to destroy Mephisto's Soulstone. Take the Stone to the Hell Forge. Place it upon the forge and strike it soundly with the Hammer. Only by doing this can you prevent Mephisto from manifesting in this world ever again.”

The Hell Forge is located in the River of Flame, quite a long trek from the Pandemonium Fortress. To reach the Hell Forge when starting in town, proceed to the Outer Steppes, then into the Plains of Despair, past the City of the Damned which follows, and finally down into a different section of dungeon, the River of Flame. There are Waypoint markers located in the City of the Damned and the River of Flame.

On the River you might run into Hadriel the Archangel. He guards the Chaos Sanctuary, which is where Diablo waits, licking his lips. You can't enter yet. Look around until you find the Hell Forge. The Armourer guards it. Much like the one who you killed to retrieve the Horadric Malus, this chap is a brick. Don't pussyfoot around him. Hit, move away, then repeat.

Be wary of the Doom Knight, Abyss Knight and Oblivion Knight. Doom and Abyss Knights possess powerful melee attacks coupled with high Hit points and resistances to fire (80,40), lightning (20, 80), cold (20, 40) and poison (40, 40). The Oblivion Knights resist those elements 60% each and employ the Necromancer's Bone Spirit and various curses. The Oblivion Knight is a particular problem and should be eliminated as a primary target.

At the Forge you'll find a Hammer. Equip it, and then smash the Soulstone Mephisto bore. Grab the gems that are dropped as a reward, then head back to town for a reward from Tyrael.

Quest 3: Terror’s End

"The time has come to hunt downs and destroy Diablo himself. But beware, the Lord of Terror is not to be underestimated. He single-handedly destroyed the town of Tristram and corrupted the last noble hero who tried to stop him. This time, you must defeat him for good. Only by destroying the Soulstone, which he carries, will his spirit be banished forever. Good luck. Though this may be our darkest hour, it may yet be your greatest moment!"

This is what you came for. All right. Once you've equipped yourself thoroughly, it's time to go back to the River of Flame and pass Hadriel. Getting from the River into the Chaos Sanctuary is a mission unto itself. A narrow, twisting bridge over a lava pit is packed with powerful monsters. Advance a section at a time. There will probably be spawning monsters. The usual tactic of killing them first is particularly important here as they can produce more monsters that can choke the paths. The Barbarian's leap will be much appreciated here, as will teleports.

There are a total of five seals inside the Chaos Sanctuary. They will be in couples, or alone. Approach two of the seals. Touch the seal, and it opens. Touch the other seal nearby, and a Unique monster will appear surrounded by minions. It's likely that the Unique monster and its minions will trap you near the seals; consider opening a Town Portal scroll before using the seals in case you have to retreat. Position the scroll near the seal you'll use to release the monsters before you actually touch it. That way you have at least one escape route should you need to flee.

The Infector of Souls (extra fast, spectral hit), Lord DeSeis (extra fast, thieving, aura enchanted) and the Grand Vizier of Chaos (extra strong, fire enchanted) are your enemies summoned by the seals. Lord De Seis' thieving ability allows him to steal potions out of your character's belt and strew them on the ground. It's probably wise to clear the Sanctuary of the many Undead that are here before you start playing around with the seals.

Once you've touched them all you'll summon the Beast, Diablo himself. Head back to the Pentagram in the middle of the Sanctuary. He'll announce himself with threats then lope like a wolf straight for you.

Defeating Diablo

Fighting Diablo is hard. No doubt about it. Every tactic you can use against him is flawed in some way.

An Amazon equipped with high-level jab, critical strike and a powerful javelin, particularly paired with the passive defensive skills like dodge, avoid and evade, is handy. Avoid Diablo's lightning and fire attacks with hit and run bursts using jab and, even better, impale. Diablo's elemental resistances negate some of the Amazon's lightning and poison javelin attacks. A ranged Amazon player should implement high-level fire arrows (or powerful standard arrows) combined with critical strike and passive defensive skills.

As a Barbarian, leap attack and whirlwind make an effective tactic if you've hit level 30. Use the standard leap to avoid Diablo's lightning and fire attacks then close in with the whirlwind attack. Alternatively, you can combine the leap attack with double swing - two hands, each with powerful magical weaponry, can take down Diablo with repeated hit and run attacks. Hit Diablo from the side rather than face on. His lightning attack will kill even the hardiest warrior easily.

A Necromancer could use an enchanted Iron Golem combined with the Iron Maiden skill if you've pumped some skill points into them. This combination causes damage to Diablo when he retaliates against the Iron Golem's attack. Save an impressive magical metallic item to create the Iron Golem and enhance it with an Amplify Damage curse. High-powered Bone Spear could prove effective along with an Iron or Blood Golem attack. At level 30? Use Revive to bring along some Act IV minions to greet Diablo.

Diablo hits with different elemental attacks but none more deadly than lightning. Be prepared to cope with the variety of effects he can use against you. Zeal can be extremely powerful - if elevated to higher skill levels. Additionally, Thorns can make Diablo's skill work for you.

Magic against Diablo is very effective, but if he gets in your face, you're dead. The Sorceress can implement Static Field to damage Diablo's Hit points. Follow up the field with the high-level elemental spells of your choice. Stock up on Mana or Rejuvenation potions because you don't need to hold back. Because you'll be fighting Diablo from afar, you can more easily use Town Portal scrolls to hightail it back to the Pandemonium Fortress for rejuvenation when necessary. If you quit the game, the entire sequence of seals must be opened again.

After defeating Diablo, gather the dropped reward (Unique, Rare or Set item), and return to Tyrael in the Pandemonium Fortress to complete the quest. Then watch the final cinematic.

But you forgot something, didn't you?

Oh, Baal …



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