ACT 3 Solution

Mephisto was long ago bound in Kurast by the Horadrim in the city of Travincal. But like Diablo in Tristram, Mephisto exerted his influence over the Council of Zakarum, the religious leaders, and turned them to evil. The priest Khalim alone resisted and was torn to shreds. Mephisto is still bound in the tower but does his terrible will through the Council. Now that the other two Prime Evils are free, the Lord of Hatred's powers have grown.

In his lair is a portal to Hell. If you can either slay the Prime Evils or shut down the portal, they can't go to Hell and will be stranded on Earth. But if they make it through to Hell, then woe to Mankind.

Act III, much like Act II, involves one multi-part quest to search for items hidden all over the Kurast landscape. You must locate Khalim's relics, which include his eye, heart and brain, and use them to form Khalim's Will, a powerful weapon that can destroy the Compelling orb protecting the entrance into the Durance of Hate and the third act's boss, Mephisto.

In Kurast Docks, the town, you can cruise about getting to know the locals.

Kurast Townsfolk
Alkor: Alkor is the potions man, as well as the chap you'll go to see if you feel the urge to gamble.
Asheara: Asheara is Act Ill's source of mercenaries for hire. Asheara also sells weapons, armour and magical items.
Deckard Cain: Talk with Deckard Cain when you have unidentified items in your inventory. He's not so helpful here as he was in the last stage.
Hratli: Hratli offers a secondary source of weapons, armour and magical items. Further, Hratli will repair your damaged weapons and armour for a price.
Meshif: Meshif, who brought you by transport to Kurast Docks and the third act, can be used to sail back west to Lut Gholein.
Natalya: Speak with Natalya whenever you want information about your current quest.
Ormus: Talk with Ormus upon each return to Kurast Docks and he'll restore your Health and Mana points instantly. Ormus also sells magic items and healing potions.

Quest 1: The Golden Bird

Strangely, no one gives you this quest. You simply have to go out and find it yourself. But first, a little surprise. If you run out of the docks, hurrying, you might find the Dark Wanderer himself. Attack him and he'll turn into Flesh Beasts, but damn, you must be closing in on his diabolical self.

Now that you are in the jungle, head for the Spider Forest. There you'll find Fetishes. These act like Fallen, Shamans and all, and there are lots of bird monsters. You need to find the first unique monster and chop it up. It will drop the Jade Figurine. This activates the quest. Co back to Cain and ask him what it means. He'll tell you to speak to Meshif, who apparently is a collector of such objects d'art. Meshif will swap it for the Golden Bird. Co back to Cain and ask him about the bird.

Cain mentions that he's read legends about a sage named Ku Y'leh, who studied the mysteries of life beyond death. Cain claims that Ku Y'leh's ashes are ensconced within the Golden Bird statuette. Others in Kurast Docks mention that you should show the statuette to Alkor.

After speaking with Alkor, you receive the next entry in your quest log: to return to Alkor for your reward. You don't need to waste any time. Speak with Alkor again immediately. Alkor, having experimented with the ashes of Ku Y'leh, has created your reward for completing the first quest: a potion of Life. Drink the potion to permanently add 20 points to your Life statistic.

Quest 2: Blade Of The Old Religion

"As I told you before, I placed an enchantment upon the dockside in order to keep the demons at bay. But lately, the enchantment seems to be weakening. If memory serves me correctly, there is a holy Skatsimi blade that could revitalize the enchantment. The blade is called Gidbinn. Find it and our sanctuary here will remain safe."

Now go speak to Hratli. He'll tell you to fetch the blade. You'll find the Gidbinn blade inside the Flayer Jungle. From Kurast Docks, proceed into the Spider Forest, then into the Great Marsh, and finally into the Flayer Jungle. The forest and marsh areas surrounding Kurast Docks are extremely large, much larger than the areas you explored in the first and second acts. Finding the Waypoints is essential, as are Town Portals.

In the Flayer Jungle, you need to find the village of Fetishes. Watch out for the giant tree-beasts, the Hulks. They are slow, but travel in large numbers and hit hard. The village should be cleared out old school-style. Locate the Shamans, put 'em in the dead book (to lapse into Torment speech) and find the kettle the magic knife is in. Because of the sheer numbers of monsters here, you will probably need to gate in and out a time or two.

Go back to Ormus, who'll give you a Unique ring as a reward. You can now hire mercenaries from Asheara. Chat to Cain.

Quest 3: Khalim’s Will

"Never forget that your ultimate purpose here in Kurast is to destroy Mephisto. The ancient Horadrim imprisoned the Lord of Hatred inside the Guardian Tower that is located within the Temple City of Travincal. Know this, Friend - the only way to gain entry to Mephisto's prison is to destroy the artifact known as the Compelling Orb. Mephisto used this device to control the Zakarum Priests and their followers. The Orb can only be destroyed with an ancient flail imbued with the spirit of one incorruptible priest. Soon after his imprisonment, Mephisto worked his evil corruption on the Zakarum priesthood. All were turned to his dark ways, save one - Khalim, the Que-Hegan of the High Council. Mephisto directed the other Council priests to slay and dismember Khalim and then scatter his remains across the Kingdom. The Priest Sankekur succeeded Khalim as Que-Hegan, eventually becoming the embodiment of Mephisto here on the mortal plane. The corrupted High Council fashioned an Orb to control the rest of the Zakarum faithful and used their powers to hide the lair of their master from mortals. Your task is to collect the scattered relics of Khalim - his Heart, his Brain, and his Eye. Then, using the Horadric Cube, to transmute Khalim's Flail with his relics. Once this is accomplished, you must destroy the Compelling Orb with Khalim's Will to open the way into the corrupt sanctum of Mephisto."

This quest, while time-consuming, is pretty straightforward. First up, go into the Spider Forest and then into the Spider Cavern. There are two dungeons here so make sure you get the right one. A few antidotes don't go astray either. Look for Sszark the Burning and you'll know that you are near the Eye.

Through the Great Marsh, past the Spider Forest, you'll find the Flayer Jungle. Then you have to find the Flayer Dungeon. Filled with Shamans, this is a long and arduous three-level trek. You are after Witch Doctor Endugu. Then you'll have Khalim's Brain.

Finally, you'll need to reach the sewers in Kurast Docks. Proceed into the Spider Forest, then into the Great Marsh, through the Flayer Jungle, into Lower Kurast, through the Kurast Bazaar, and into the sewer entrance. Khalim's Heart can be found in a chest on the second level of the sewers.

That was pretty simple, if long, but now comes something more difficult. Travel through Kurast to get to Travincal and one of the hardest parts of the game. Quest 5 activates as soon as you enter the Temple City.

The Council, twisted by Mephisto's power, have become extremely hard to kill. Supported by Zealots, Curates and other powerful magic users, this is a level that requires a lot of severe violence. To make matters even more fun, the Council are riddled with Unique creatures: Ismail Vilehand (extra fast, cursed), Geleb Flamefinger (extra strong, fire enchanted), and Toorc Icefist (cold enchanted, stone skin, increasing physical resistance by 80% and multiplying defense rating by three). Attempt to deal with the minions by clearing out as many of the Zealots and Lords from Travincal as possible before facing the powerful High Council. Watch out for the monsters that heal other monsters. These aren't pesky Fallen we are talking about.

Find a defensible position and let the creatures come to you while you have a portal ready to go. Try and isolate small bands and take them on. You'll find the Flail up in the Tower, where you first encountered the Council.

When you've defeated the Council, go back to Cain. Assemble Khalim's Will in the Horadric Cube.

Quest 4: The Ruined Temple

"It pains me to waste time with you, so I'll get right to the point. There is a very special book you must find for me. This book was written long ago, by a sage known as Lam Esen, who studied Skatsimi magic and the effects of the Prime Evils on the mortal world. The Black Book was lost when the Children of Zakarum took over this land. Now, you must reclaim it without delay! Its knowledge may aid us in the dark time ahead."

Feeling the urge For a bit more experience? Go speak to Alkor after you've assembled the Staff. Lam Esen's tome is located in the Ruined Temple. There are six different temples in Kurast: Two are found in the Kurast Bazaar, two are located in upper Kurast, and another two can be found in the Kurast Causeway.

Seek out the Ruined Temple if you wish to immediately locate Lam Esen's Tome. Otherwise, you can venture inside the other temples and fight the monsters within them. If you succeed in this quest, Alkor will get the locals to lower the prices of their goods.

Quest 5: The Guardian Tower

"You have done well, my friend. Your courage and valour are an inspiration to us all. But now the time has come to face those responsible for the evil that has stifled our land. You must destroy the High Council of Zakarum! Long ago, these elders were charged with the stewardship of Mephisto, the Lord of Hatred, who was imprisoned within the Guardian Tower. Through the generations, these pious men slowly fell under the sway of Mephisto's malevolent power and the Council became an evil mockery of its former glory. It is Mephisto's hatred that has corrupted the Zakarum and turned its devout followers into paranoid fanatics. That is why you must travel to the Temple City of Travincal and slay the Council. Once they are gone, Mephisto's hold over this land and its people will be broken!"

This quest is usually fulfilled at the same time you liberate the Flail, so it's not a big deal. Once the Council are dead and gone, you'll have the Will assembled, so it's time to destroy the Compelling Orb. Go back to where the Flail was kept, click on the Will, and the way is open to Mephisto, oldest of the Prime Evils. Go back to Ormus to open the final quest.

Quest 6: The Durance Of Hate

"Diablo and Baal have surely found the Temple City by now. They seek to free their brother, Mephisto, who was imprisoned by the Horadrim in the Temple's Guardian Tower. You must reach him before his brothers do and prevent them from releasing Hatred upon the world."

Enter the Durance and prepare for a hell of a battle as you work your way through to Mephisto. He keeps three of his favourites close to him: Wyand Voidfinger (Mana burn, teleportation), Maffer Dragonhand (extra fast, extra strong, teleportation), and Bremm Sparkfist (aura enchanted, lightning enchanted. Mana burn provides 75% elemental resistance, the ability to drain Mana with attacks, and increases attack strength. Aura enchanted provides the unique monster with auras or spells based on level; the possibilities include Might, Holy Fire, Thorns, Blessed Aim, Holy Freeze, Holy Shock, Conviction and Fanaticism.

Make your way down to level 3 of the Durance and note the new log entry: Kill Mephisto. Getting through to him is tough, but pretty simply executed. Then, finally, enter and prepare to fight him. Mephisto's lightning attacks carry the most damage potential; attempt to arrive with lightning resistance to weather the electrical volley. Mephisto's 100% resistance to poison gives him poison damage attack as well. The best method of dealing with this demon is to close up on him, press him hard and don't give him time to use his nastiest attacks against you.

Once you defeat Mephisto, you'll see his Soulstone. Pick it up. After this, the infernal gate is opened. The good news is you've prevented a free Prime Evil being set loose on the world and pretty much permanently killed him. The bad news is that Diablo is free and in Hell. Only by acting now, by following the Lord of Terror into the Abyss, can you prevent him rallying his armies. Go back and heal up, re-supply, and then prepare to take the plunge into the ultimate darkness of Hell itself.



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