ACT 1 Solution

Single and multiplayer both, Diablo II begins in the Rogue Encampment. After the events of the first game, Diablo, the Lord of Terror, has possessed the hero who defeated him at Tristram. Now known as the Dark Wanderer, he has summoned the Demoness Andariel, one of the Lesser Evils, to destroy the Rogue Monastery and scourge the Sisterhood who are based there. She will prevent all pursuit. Meanwhile, free from the Soulstone at last, Diablo has begun his long journey east to Lut Gholein to find his brother Baal. Then they will reconquer Hell and lead a demonic invasion of the Earth.

The Monastery guards the only way east. If you are to stop the Dark Wanderer before he accomplishes his goal of releasing yet another great darkness on Sanctuary, you must kill Andariel.

The benighted Rogue Encampment, like all towns, is home to several non-player characters that offer quests and assist with weapons, armour, healing and Mana restoration, and repair.

Rouge Encampment Townsfolk

Akara: Mentor of the Sisterhood. Upon each return to the Rogue Encampment, she will instantly regenerate your Health and Mana points. Akara also offers trade in healing potions, scrolls, magical staffs and wands.
Kashya: Military leader of the Rogues. She will give you the Blood Raven mission. Complete this quest, and Kashya provides a free Rogue mercenary; further, you can spend gold to hire other Rogues as needed.
Charsi: The Blacksmith. She offers weapons and armour for buying and selling. You'll also find a selection of magical items. Charsi repairs damaged weapons and armour for a gold fee. She Fancies the Barbarians, too.
Gheed: Find Gheed for a secondary source of weapons, armour and magical items. You can gamble with Gheed on magical items, which will either be magical, rare, unique or set items.
Warriv: Once you complete the sixth quest in Act I, Warriv will transport you east into Act II.
Deckard Cain: The last of the Horadrim who bound the Prime Evils. Once you rescue Cain on a quest, he'll identify items for free for the remainder of the game. He's a fount of information.

Quest 1: Den of Evil

"There is a great evil in the wilderness. Kashya's Rogue scouts have informed me that a cave nearby is filled with shadowy creatures and horrors from beyond the grave. I fear that these creatures are massing for an attack against our Encampment. If you are sincere about helping us, Find the dark labyrinth and destroy the foul beasts. May the Great Eye watch over you."

Talking to Akara activates the first quest. Or you can leave town and move into the first play area, the Blood Moor. Once you enter the Den, the quest log will automatically update. To find the Den, simply explore the area until it turns up on your automap.

Before you enter the Den, take some time to explore the Blood Moors and get a level or two under your belt. The Necromancer and the Sorceress especially need to build up some Mana before they enter the crowded cave. You'll also find an entrance to the Cold Plains. Don't enter them just yet as the beasts there are quite a bit tougher than those on the Moor.

There are quite a few Undead in the Den of Evil and all throughout this area, so fighter types are recommended to use clubs and mauls down there. Also, you'll encounter a lot of demons that use Shamans. The Fallen and Carvers are the most conspicuous at first. Shamans raise their dead, so a simple and obvious tactic is to take them out first. Ranged attacks can be the best for this task. Watch out for their fireballs as well.

In the Den of Evil you'll find Unique monsters and Champion monsters. Champions are a tougher version of the standard monster. The Champion attribute provides several modifiers to the standard monster - these include double minimum and maximum damage, double Chance to Hit, 20% increased velocity, 120% increased attack rate, six times Hit points, level plus four, and Experience points times three.

You'll also meet Corpsefire, a Unique. There is a Unique for every kind of creature in the game. Usually they have special abilities, such as Lightning Enchantment or Spectral attacks as well as being even tougher than Champions.

There is no real trick to Finishing this quest. Simply hunt down and kill all the monsters you find within the Den. The lighting inside the Den changes once the final monster is eliminated. Your quest log indicates a new objective - head back to Akara to receive your reward for completing the quest. Exit the Den of Evil and return to the Rogue Encampment.

Once you've completed this, Akara will give you a free Skill Point. These don't get given out for free very often, so choose wisely. In multiplayer mode, everyone gets this point.

Quest 2: Sisters Burial Grounds

"My Rogue scouts have reported an abomination in the Monastery graveyard! Apparently, Andariel is not content on taking only our living. Blood Raven, one of our finest captains in the battle against Diablo at Tristram, was also one of the First corrupted by Andariel. Now you'll find her in the Monastery graveyard raising our dead as zombies! We cannot abide this defilement! IF you are truly our ally you will help us destroy her!"

Go speak to Kaysha to receive this quest, then move From the Blood Moor through to the Cold Plains. There are lots of new and tougher creatures here. The Unique to watch out for is Bishibosh, a Fallen Shaman who is fire enchanted. Don't use fire weapons against him, as he is 75°/o resistant against it. The Dark Hunters, Spearwomen and the like are fast and the Gargantuan Beasts, Yetis, are lumbering and tough to kill. Whatever you do, don't get surrounded by them.
Once you've explored and cleared out the Cold Plains, you'll find entrances to the Burial Ground and the Stony Field. If you are not at about the Fourth or Fifth level by the time you find the Burial Ground, have a quick raid on the Field for some more experience.

There is an optional dungeon area in the Burial Ground, the Crypt. The Unique here is Bonebreaker, a rather nasty magic-resistant Undead. The Crypt is filled with treasure that you might need. Stock up on healing potions before finishing your current quest. The Mausoleum, near the Crypt, is a bit easier to finish.
When you do decide to take on the Fallen Rogue, go to the graveyard and note that there is a fenced in area. That's where Blood Raven is. Clear the area outside the fence, then it's probably a good idea to heal up. Town Portal or Waypoint back to Akara and then go for Blood Raven.

She's quick, she retreats to use her bow and she raises Undead as she goes. You'll probably take her out most easily with the Barbarian. He can simply run up to her and attack her quite convincingly. The Sorceress has some troubles because Blood Raven is really rather effective at dodging ranged attacks. Keep tightly on her, ignoring the Undead she brings up and don't waste arrows or Mana until you have a clean shot. Standard tactic for Blood Raven, as for all bosses, is to Town Portal away when things get difficult and then come back for more action.

Once you've killed Blood Raven, it's time to get back to town for a reward. A Portal Scroll might be effective, as you'll probably be badly beaten up. Kaysha will then let you hire mercenaries. These helpers are particularly useful at low levels, and Barbarians certainly benefit from ranged support.

Quest 3: The Search For Cain

"It is clear that we are facing an Evil difficult to comprehend, let alone combat. There is only one Horadrim Sage, schooled in the most arcane history and lore, who could help us. His name is Deckard Cain. You must travel to Tristram; I pray that he still lives. Tristram is too far to journey by foot, as Cain would likely be dead when you arrived. However, there is a magical portal which will take you there instantly. To open it, one must stand within the circle of Cairn Stones and touch them in a certain order. The proper order can be found in the runes written on the bark of the Tree of Inifuss. You must find the sacred Tree of Inifuss and bring back its bark. I will translate the runes to unlock the Stones' mystic pattern."

Now you have to get reliable information on just what the hell has happened. For that you need to speak to the last of the Horadrim, Deckard Cain. Only he has the wisdom to make sense of the corruption of the Monastery. Go and speak to Akara once you've killed Blood Raven and she'll tell you that you need to rescue Cain. Go out to the Dark Wood, beyond the Stony Field. Remember there are roads to follow if it all seems to be getting to be too much for you, as well as Waypoints.
In the Field there is an optional dungeon, the Cave, if you feel you need more gold and experience. Beware of Coldcrow, a Unique with cold damage (in addition to standard damage), a 75% resistance to cold attack, double Chance to Hit, and a +20 freeze duration.

Then you have to pass through the Underground Passage. It will show up on one of the borders of the Wood up against some mountains. It's two levels deep and shouldn't prove too much of a problem for you. Have a few Town Portals handy, though, because it's isolated from the rest of the game and beating a hasty retreat isn't that simple. You'll exit into the Dark Wood.

Search around until you find the tree. It's hard to miss and shows up on the automap. There is a problem though. Rakanishu, a rather deadly lightning-enchanted Fallen, guards the tree and is surrounded by several Fallen Shamans and a lot of Fallen. Hit and run on the Shamans trying to get as many as you can at each go. Then Finish off the Fallen before you hit their boss.

Watch out for the Corrupt Rogues as well. They are thickly gathered here and you can come under some very serious fire. Draw them away and deal with them one by one. While you are there, watch out for Treehead Woodfist, an extra fast and extra strong Unique. Extra fast doubles Treehead's (and its minions) attack rate, while extra strong increases damage and Chance to Hit percentage by 25.

If you aren't capable of taking on the many monsters that surround the Tree of Inifuss, then you really need more experience. Go and do some of the other quests. Once all the guardians are dead, touch the Tree and a scroll will be released. Grab it and go back to Akara who will tell you that you now need to go to the Cairn Stones in the Stony Field. Click on the Cairn Stones in the correct order to open a portal to Tristram. Should you enter the incorrect sequence, the portal will not open. Start over again and complete the full, correct sequence to open the portal.

You are now ready to travel on to Tristram, where Diablo was originally imprisoned. Irritated with the site of his defeat, he has populated it with many, many demons. This level of the game is difficult and, while small, is packed to the gills with various beasts. You have a few options here. The first is to find Cain, who is imprisoned in a cage. He's usually surrounded by a large number of Fallen, but also by Griswold, who you may remember from the first game. Griswold is corrupted now, and is a large and tough monster. Get some distance from him and let loose with all your might. Or run in and hit him hard and then get out before he whales on you. Or you could find Cain, let him loose and jump in the Town Portal immediately after him. But the best course of action is to let him go and then hunt down all the creatures that infest the town.

Once you've gotten Cain and yourself safely back to the Rogue Encampment, there are a few rewards to be had. Cain will now identify all items for you Free of charge. A handy time- and money-saving device, to be sure. Head over to Akara for a magic ring.
Cain reveals to you that the worst has come to pass. You now learn that Diablo has possessed the hero of the first game and is free to release his brothers, Mephisto and Baal.

Quest 4: The Forgotten Tower

"And so it came to pass that the Countess, who once bathed in the rejuvenating blood of a hundred virgins, was burned alive. And the castle in which so many cruel deeds took place fell rapidly to ruin. Rising over the buried dungeons in that godforsaken wilderness, a solitary tower, like some monument to Evil, is all that remains. The Countess' fortune was believed have been divided among the clergy, although some say that more remains unfound, still buried alongside the rotting skulls that bear mute witness to the inhumanity of the human creature."

When you were in the Stony Field, you should have come across the Mouldy Tome. It will tell you of the blood-bathed she-hag. So, now you need to pass through the underground chambers, into the Dark Wood and from there into the Black Marsh. Explore a bit until you find the tower the Countess lives in. It's pretty hard to miss.

Five dungeon levels inside the Forgotten Tower means heap to kill. Unless you're prepared to use many Town Portal scrolls, advance to around level 8 or 9 before venturing inside because there's no Waypoint. Don't rush through the tower; take the time to eliminate as many creatures as possible to gain as much experience, levels and equipment as possible. The place is lousy with corrupt Rogues and Undead, so pack accordingly.

The Countess is a powerful Unique Dark Hunter and is located in a dead-end room on the fifth cellar level. Behind the Countess lies a special chest activated as soon as you eliminate the evil Dark Hunter. It's packed with goodies. Attempt to lure out the beasts protecting the Countess before confronting her. Watch out for her fire attacks, which are lethal at close range. And be aware that she's a fire-enchanted creature, so fire attacks against her are much less effective. You need to complete this quest in order to activate the search for the Horadric Malus.

Quest 5: Tools Of The Trade

"When I fled the Monastery, I left behind my Horadric Malus, an enchanted smithing hammer. If you retrieve it for me, I will use its magic to strengthen your equipment."

Go and have a chat with Charsi and she'll let you know about the Malus. This quest is long and arduous and takes you far from the Rogue's Encampment. You'll need to head toward the Black Marsh, which is beyond the Dark Wood. Waypoint your way to the Wood and then have a look around. If you haven't already, note the location of the book that tells about the Countess, if you want another quest. Be advised that this quest won't activate until you are at least level 8.
Fight your way to the really rather dangerous Marsh through the Dark Wood. The place is full of tough beasties so go carefully, taking time to replenish your Health. When you are in the Marsh, search out the Tamoe Highlands for the toughest outdoor area yet. Powerful Hunters will try and swamp you while you are here. Look around until you see the Monastery. The Highlands aren't so large that you can't make a break for it if you don't feel like fighting your way through yet more monsters.

Once you are in there locate the Waypoint in the Outer Cloisters. You'll probably want to visit Akara for a top-up. From there fight your way through many Undead, Clan and Fallen. Many of the Undead are now using ranged attacks, including magic. Don't waste time dawdling. Hand-to-hand fighters should attack them immediately, taking the battle to them instead of waiting around to lose Hit points.
Work your way through the Barracks until you find the Smith. He's a lumbering brute who hits hard, but slow. Lure his bodyguard, who are quite small, away from him and destroy them. Then go back to the Smith.

Get in quick and get away smooth. Melee specialists might have some trouble with this tough chap. Once he's dead, search his room and you'll find the Malus. Go back to the Encampment via scroll or Waypoint and speak to Charsi.

She'll make a new Unique weapon for you, which should obviously be of the type you have been or will specialise in. Spell casters, take a staff, or perhaps a dagger if you are a Necromancer using the poison attacks.
You might want to delay choosing the specialty weapon just yet. The more powerful the base magical item you transform, the more powerful it will become. While you will certainly need help in your next big fight, some of the magical items available later in the game will provide a lovely template for Charsi to work from.

Quest 6: Sisters To The Slaughter

"It is certain that we face the demon queen Andariel, who has corrupted the Rogue sisterhood and defiled their ancestral Monastery. This does not bode well for us, my friend. Ancient Horadric texts record that Andariel and the other Lesser Evils once overthrew the three Prime Evils, Diablo, Mephisto and Baal, banishing them from Hell to our world. Here, the Prime Evils caused mankind untold anguish and suffering before they were finally bound within the Soulstones. Andariel's presence here could mean that the forces of Hell are once again united behind Diablo and his brothers. If this is true, then I fear for us all. You must kill Andariel before the Monastery becomes a permanent outpost of hell and the way east lost forever."

Got that? Andariel has to be stopped and you are the only one who can do it. Go and get a rumour from Cain and he'll tell you that Andariel doesn't like Fire. To reach Andariel, you must first return to the Monastery. Use the Waypoint system to return to the outer cloister, positioned between the Barracks and the Monastery gate. Head into the Barracks and venture through the Jail (three levels), into the Inner Cloister. You'll be very happy to note that there is a Waypoint here. Having waded through seven shades of blue hell, a stop at the Encampment is well in order.

Now, back to it and through the Cathedral, and into the four, yes, four, levels of Catacombs. On the way you'll meet creatures like Flamespike the Crawler and Pitspawn the Fouldog. The former is fire enchanted, the latter, cold. If you are frozen, the best thing to do is use a thawing potion. Near Andariel is Boneash who has magic immunities.

Andariel can be found on the lowest level of the Catacombs where she sits on a demonic throne, surrounded by grisly tokens of her conquests. Go back to the town and grab some healing and Mana before you take her on.
After you've located her lair get out quickly. She'll announce herself loudly, so you'll have no problem finding her. It's best to either lure her out away from her minions or else knock them off first. Usually she'll follow you out so quickly that the little beasts near her won't have time to join the fight. Once you get into it with the nipple-chained (look closely) spider-armed monstrosity, you'll be up to your eyes in her poison attacks. Some antidotes certainly help about now.
Andariel can be tricky to fight because of her speed. Melee specialists won't really have a problem with this but magicians might. She's often too quick to get a good ranged shot at her before she's on you. Get a lot of protection and shield magic up. Don't hold back with Mana or missiles. Let her have it. A good tactic is to get a portal open to town as soon as you join battle and jump into it after letting fly with all you have. Freezing attacks are particularly useful in keeping the fast-moving monster still so you can blast her.
Once you've beaten her, and bear in mind that she's not too hard as far as bosses go, clear out her lair, loot her stuff, and away you go back to town through the portal her death triggers.

Before you move on, clear out additional dungeons for more experience and gold. Say your goodbyes to everyone, get your head in order then speak to Warriv. He'll now offer to take you east. Hop on board that train and away you go.



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