
Hi, I'm from the European realm and I've been posting on the pvp forum since the beginning of 2001. And on the d2r forum since about July 2001. Most of you on Europe know me by the name Noz. I'm writing this guide mainly for those people who do not know how to build a sorceress in the diablo2 expansion and maybe there will be some new ideas for the regulars on these boards. This Sorceress will be a Frozen Orb/Thunderstorm Sorceress. Many of you will by now think: "oh great, another cookie-cutter sorc". Maybe it is a cookie cutter yes. But a lot of people do not know how to do the build right and they forget about the basics of a good pvp sorceress. This guide is created for the more advanced player who has access to most mid lvl unique/set items and also one of the elite uniques. You can get these items easy by doing mephisto magic find runs and some trading. General knowledge about PvP and the game itself is also needed.


During 1.06 the sorceress was often proclaimed as being the best dueling class. With enough skills from the dueler who controls the sorceress she didn't have much resistance except from bowazons. When the expansion came out this all changed. A lot of skills were nerfed and others were upgraded. Many people said that the cheap-ass dueler now would be a sorc with max thunderstorm and lightning mastery. This did insane dmg to any class without the proper items. However, during 1.09 most people got the equipment to nullify thunderstorm and the other most popular sorceress pvp skill: frozen orb. These items are: Thundergods Vigor (unique war belt), Guardian Angel (unique Templar Coat), Blackhorns Face (unique deathmask), Raven Frost (unique ring), Snowclash (unique battle belt), Blackoak Shield (unique Luna). Right now these items are here and a Sorc cannot inflict any damage to another character. Fire spells are not very viable pvp spells and can also be very easy negated with several items. However, if you find a good dueler, he/she will most likely reduce the amount of absorb items he uses. Like, they will use only 1 raven frost. Some people however do not care about it and will use any item to just win. These people are not worth dueling and just don't duel them. Don't blame them however for totally resisting thunderstorm. This skill is so easy to use and does huge damage without enough resist. Thunderstorm is more something to force people to use those items that resist it. They could use a lot better gear if you didn't have TS. Opponents with 75% lightning resist still take some nice damage from it. It's not much, but everything helps. In FFA games most people will use physical reduce items and therefore they will not have a lot of absorb items. This way you always pretty much own the open dueling games if you got enough skill.


There will most likely be some unexpected items in this list. Here they are:

Equipment vs physical dmg classes

- Harlequins crest, both v 1.08 and v 1.09 are very good. Since 1.08 costs a million SOJ's, get the 1.09 version which is also very good.
- 2 Stones of Jordan
- Crafted fast cast belt with at least 3% fast cast or 1 less soj and replace it with a 10% faster cast ring or fast cast amu.
- Frostburn
- Rare boots with low strength req., good things to look for: fastest hit recovery, mana, life, strength, dexterity.
- Whitstans guard set shield, now this is most likely unexpected. This shield gives 80% block on a sorceress. This is A LOT! All the other classes suffer a lot from the blocking nerf that makes blocking 1/3 while running. The sorceress however never has to run because she only uses teleport to move around. With this shield you will however need dexterity to max your blocking. I'll discuss this later.
- Tal rasha's amulet, if you have a good amulet with +2 sorceress skills and 10% faster cast rate you can use this and ditch the fast cast belt.
- Vipermagi armor v 1.09
- Oculus v 1.09
- 2 charms with +1 lightning skills
- various charms with life/mana

The reasons why I chose this setup:

The current way cast rate works on a sorc is like this: 11 fps fast cast rate with 35%+ fast cast rate, 10 fps with 63%+ fast cast rate and 9 fps fast cast rate with 105%+ fast cast rate. I think that with 10 fps fast cast rate and the 800x600 resolution you will have enough fast cast rate to maneuver without getting hit. This setup gives you at least 63% fast cast up to 75% (with 1.08 crafted belt). Getting to 105% faster cast rate is an option, but then you will have to ditch the oculus and the frostburn for a suicide branch/wizardspike + magefist. This way you will loose a lot of skill points and mana. You will also need a 1.08 fast cast belt with at least 15% fast cast or use fast cast jewelry. This will nerf your skill points/mana even more for only 1 fps faster cast rate. So I don't advice this.

This setup also offers you: +10 to all skills, 75% block with 40% faster block rate, nice resist vs elemental charms and A LOT of mana. A lot of sorces think that a lot of mana is not needed anymore since the sorceress frozen orb is on a timer now and that it costs a lot less mana. WRONG! Teleport's mana cost has gone up a lot and with a good lvl energy shield your mana drops down VERY fast if you get hit!

My current stats with this equip now at lvl 88: 14xx life, 14xx mana, 58% block, this is because I thought that 11 fps cast was enough and that I didn't need the cast speed of vipermagi (I used twitchtroe for it's +20% block), I was wrong! Now I'll have to lvl myself up a bit more to get 75% block and socket my vipermagi/whistans with some jewel/rune/gem that adds dex. Don't let this happen to you!. I also got: high lvl thunderstorm/light mastery, high lvl orb, about 55%~ energy shield.

Why block and not physical resist items?

- Whistants gives 40% faster block rate, so this will have the same effect as faster hit recovery.
- Physical resist items are more expensive.
- With string of ears, shafstop, vampire gaze and stormshield you will not have a lot of +skills and neither a lot of fast cast. Since physical resist is capped at 75% it will do the same as blocking. Maybe you suggest that you can use stormshield to block but I find that a bad choice because you will need WAY more dex then if you would use whitstans guard. Stormshield also requires 156 strength.
- If a physical dmg class sees that you use absorb items (physical resist), what would stop him from using elemental absorb items?
- You can keep your strength very low. Only 60 strength is needed because of frostburn.
- These are the reasons why I would choose for block in stead of physical resist because they both do the same thing. They both reduce physical damage by 75%.

Why block?, you could spend all those points in vit!

- With block you get hit about 75% less. This basically is 4 times as much life.
- Your opponent cannot leech from you when you block.

What to socket in your items? In harlequins you can socket a perfect emerald for dex but a perfect ruby would be better. A +10 dex bonus gives 20 life, if you compare it, 38 life from a perfect ruby would then be better. You could also socket a rune/jewel which gives resist. In your oculus I would put a resist jewel or rune. In whistans a shael rune for faster block rate or a rune/jewel with dexterity because a ruby gives fire resist. I don't know if 60% faster block rate really blocks faster than 40% faster block rate so I don't really know what to put in this. In the vipermagi the same story as the harlequins.

Equipment vs elemental/magic dmg classes

The same as with the physical dmg classes but switch the whistans for a lidless wall v1.09. This shield gives a nice skill bonus and some mana. I would not really know what to use else... Maybe you can use 1.08 Chromatic ire for a nice bonus to life (you still have 10 fps fast cast this way) or use the orb/shield combo with magefist + fast cast jewelry to achieve 9 fps fast cast.

Use charms to max your resist. Don't use elemental absorb items because this way your opponent will also use this and then you cannot damage each other (in sorc vs sorc, necromancer is other story). I don't know about elemental druids, never dueled one. Vs assa's just use the anti-physic stuff with 75% light res. Against FoH pala's get as many lightning resist as possible and use the block gear, he might just try a sneaky charge.

Skill points

This will be the easy part. I found that this is the most effective:

- 20 frozen orb
- 20 thunderstorm
- 20 lighting mastery
- 20~ cold mastery with items. This way you have about 85% piercing. This will do. No class will ever get 400+ cold resist without severely crippling their total equipment.
- 20~ warmth with items. I see no need to put more in this with the huge mana pool that you have.
- Energy shield until you have about 55% with items, for me lvl 1 ES base was enough.
- All the prerequisites

This way you will be done at the early lvl 80's. After this point I really don't know where to put my points in. I just put them in nova now to so that I can PvM my way up easier.

Why orb?

Orb is easy to aim. Does good damage and is almost not resistible. It's also pretty easy to hit with orb because it spreOrb is easy to aim. Does good damage and is almost not resistible. It's also pretty easy to hit with orb because it spreads out to fill the entire screen.

Why thunderstorm?

Thunderstorm is a passive, it's auto hitting and strikes about 1 time every second. It does huge damage when it's not resisted and to resist it people have to give up other gear. This way you force them to use +max resist items. This skill really rocks vs all classes but other sorces. I'll explain why later.

Why no static field?

Static field's range has been severely crippled. The damage in pvp changed to 1/4 and with some magic damage reduction and some max light res items this skill is completely nullified.

Stat Points

60 strength - for Frostburn

100 energy - I think this will be enough, more is not needed because of the huge +mana items and +max mana items you got. I think I could go with less energy, but 100 is nice to have.

enough dex for 75% block, this is about 160~170 at lvl 80 I think. If you would put these points in vit you would gain an extra 250~ life. Not much compared to 75% block. Just put a point in dex when you see it go to 74%. That way you will never waste to much points in dex.

rest in vitality - more life = you need more hits to be killed

Where to lvl up

1-15 get an act2 merc ASAP with the help of a friend and lvl in act1 till lvl 15.

15-20 your merc should be strong enough now to clear the sewers and do act2.

20 get a friend to help you till act5 and kill the ancients, you now are lvl 25.

25-30 leech some, pretend that you kill something with blizzard or maybe you can even kill with blizzard.

30-42/43 orb owns in normal, so just orb till you're lvl 42/43, this is really fast.

42/43 kill Baal, let a friend help you till act5 nm ancients, kill them. Now you're lvl 47~.

47-6x do some bloody runs etc. Orb still owns all.

6x-99 after killing Baal nm let a friend help you till act5 and kill the ancients whenever you want. Just leech a bit, do some cow lvl runs with some friends etc.


These matchups will be from easy till hard. First of all: Don't teleport in the same pattern all the time. They might "read" your pattern and know where you will be next. Always change your teleport pattern.

Easy matchups

Sorc vs wolf/bear druid

Teleport around them, lay orbs, let TS hit, just don't be stupid and get hit by fury, you will most likely survive a fury because of your block. That's all.

Sorc vs charge/smite pala

Teleport around them, orb them, let TS hit, when pala charge-locked you tp over a house/wall whatever. His charge isn't connected to you anymore now.

Sorc vs dragon flight assassin: You block about all the assassins hits, just orb in front of you and teleport in your own orb. The assassin will follow you with dragon flight, you will block and she gets hit by orb/TS. Rinse and repeat.

Sorc vs trap assassin

Just tp around the assa. It's very hard for her to mind blast lock you and you just keep teleporting around her and lay some orbs etc. Lightning sentries do not do enough damage to stun you so don't worry about that, just stay away from her mind blast.

Sorc vs nova sorc

This sorc cannot really hit you, every time she tries to nova, you are already gone. Just orb trap this sorc and orb when you see her nova because when she casts nova, she cannot teleport away. You shouldn't have a lot of problems with this one.

Average matchups

Sorc vs necro

Teleport around the necro, watch out for bone spirits cause these things hurt! Orb only when spirits are not to close. Don't be a fool and teleport straight in a line of bone spirits coming from the back of the necro. If you see him use poison nova, easy, use death's hand set gloves. When you got enough teleporting skills, this will be an easy one.

Sorc vs fire sorc

Pretty much the same as the nova sorc, just let her cast her spells without her hitting you and get max fire resist. Orb trap and this one isn't that hard.

Sorc vs whirlwind barbarian

Barbs were very easy in 1.06 due to static field. However this has changed a bit. A very speedy barb is hard to orb and with his huge life he can take a lot of hits. His whirlwind will most likely not kill you in 1 whirlwind. But if he has a lot of damage and good attack speed he can in 2. So watch out for this one. He just might surprise you. It's not a shame to loose vs a barbarian anymore with a sorc.

Hard matchups

Sorc vs FoH pala

Try to orb the pala and get out ASAP, don't let him hit you when conviction is on you. If you are fast enough you can orb him without being blasted by conv + FoH. Conviction takes some time to settle on you so if you are fast you can get out fast enough. He might hit you with FoH though, but FoH does almost no damage if you have no conviction on you. Don't trade blows with this pala, you will loose!

Sorc vs other orb-sorc

Try to orb trap the other sorc, read her teleport pattern, orb where you think she will be next. Don't try to trade blows. This is kind of stupid because it's just about who has more life/mana. Now why you shouldn't use max light res items: when trying to orb trap the other sorc you will almost never be close enough and long enough next to the sorc for thunderstorm to strike. This way it's pretty much useless to use max light res items. Don't go all defensive. Try to make sneak teleports in and surprise the sorc with an orb. Don't let this happen to you. Try to mix aggressive/defensive. If you score more hits than your opponent, you ehm... win.

Sorc vs Bowazon

Vs the average zon you will have a big chance because the Amazon is the most played pvp class because it's the most easy one to use and therefore most newbies/idiot's will choose the Amazon. They think they own all with there physical resist gear and buriza bow. Most of the time these "barbazons" are very easy to kill. There are however good ama's. This is what you do vs them:

Bowazons have always since 1.04 been the answer to the sorceress. With their fast moving, hard hitting guided arrows and the huge spread of multishot they have the largest chance to win vs the sorceress. Currently with the pierce bug you have very low chance vs a bowazon. The arrow will just hit you or you block it but it will come back and hit you again and this might be 4 times after the arrow initially hit you. If you find a bowazon that doesn't abuse this bug then you have a very much bigger chance. How to maneuver: teleport around the Amazon, orb when arrows are not to close. Do a fast run past the Amazon so that thunderstorm will strike. Always teleport in different ways. Do not always teleport in the same way, if you do, then the Amazon might "read" your teleport pattern and have arrows waiting for you where you will be next. If you see something like 6+ guided's on your tail, teleport away from the Amazon and let them crash in a wall or house. That much arrows might kill you in 0.1 seconds. So don't risk it! The most dangerous things an Amazon has vs you in order of importance: a very fast attack speed, pierce, a high dmg bow, life leech.


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